This EP is dedicated to several celebrations that I took together with a bunch of friends in a small house in the countryside near Gorlice in Poland. I took just a few small instruments with me there: Roland TB-03 and Cyclone TT-606, accompanied by jaw-harp and cell-phone with some simple app to play strings, and for 2 days we were spontaneously playing and tweaking various sequences and themes.

We were celebrating 20th anniversary of our friendship, 20th anniversary of my solo project POLARIS and also 20th anniversary of the "Ambient" music festival, where all of us met for the first time.

Most of the stuff I've recorded on portable recorder and after coming back home I realized there is a very big and very personal component in these recordings, that it would be good to extend by adding few other simple layers that immediately came to my mind.

The music you'll hear is simple, repetitive and minimalistic as it used to be in the classic electronic style, and it also has this magic "acid" footprint which I also like (and this also explains why I selected 303 and 606 sounding machines to take with me). It has also some field recording ingredients from the place where celebration was held.

Track 1,2 and 3 contains original recording slightly edited and studio overdubbs with elements that brings harmony and flow to the piece. I decided to keep as much as possible of original recording material to convey the atmosphere that was when all of this sequences and tweaks been made. Track 4 is the recording "as is" – no overdubs, just fade-in, fade-out and some panorama and leveling edits.

The EP is available on Bandcamp: